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My dear family members, friends & well-wishers,




I would like to thank all of you, from the bottom of my heart, for the tremendous positive response that you have given to my humble request. πŸ™πŸ™


We (Athalyes @ Dadar), are really overwhelmed, and, even if we always knew it, this occasion again highlighted the fact that we are so fortunate to be surrounded by such a loving close-knit circle of family, friends, and well-wishers, who genuinely love us!!


I would have loved to mention each individual names here, but then, that would spoil the surprise element, as to who is going to talk next!! 😊


But I am going to call each one individually, and thank.


And the most important thing:


Each one is equally important & special to us, and even though I have mixed up the recordings, (due to which, some of you, have got positioned towards the end of the recordings), no one is more superior or more important & special!! 

The only reason for mixing up the recordings, is to try and break the monotony by sort of positioning some of the jovial ones with the serious ones!!


Thank you all once again!!!


With love & respect from,

Athalyes @ Dadar

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